Ramblin' Resources
Ramblin Recipes
Once upon a time, you just hitched up and went. Roll into Yellowstone and say "which way to the campground Ranger Ted?" That ship has sailed. But you can still camp in Yellowstone, and you can still be spontaneous and not know where you will sleep tonight.
One thing we heard a whole lot on our travels is "I would love to do what you two are doing, but my (fill in blank) would never go for it." If you dream of the road but need a little help with persuasion, read on.
There are so many great roads in the world. One book I love and consult often is The Road Trip Book. 1000 Drives of a Lifetime. Check it out.
The Ramble on Guide to the different rides and camping rigs out there. Travel trailers, Motor Coaches, Fifth Wheels, Car Camping, and Camper Vans. We call em like we see em.
Here's an easy list you can copy to your phone and add your own items to. We check it every time we head out for a hike. It rarely fails to save us from forgetting at least one thing.
How do you stay in shape on the road when you don't have your gym, a routine, and there is a campfire just begging for a s'more to be toasted? These are our tips.